36 Years Ago

36 Years Ago, Vienna 1971—A Student Journal

Day 254: Schreiben Deutsch, zweimal

Day 254 — Schreiben Deutsch, zweimal
12-April-1972 (Mittwoch–Wed.)

I’m writing in German again. Damn. Actually, it was probably good for me at the time, though no one would read it and perhaps correct me. I attend a silent film festival dedicated to Buster Keaton. I remember these being very funny.

Day 225: Break it down

Day 225 — Break it down
14-March-1972 (Montag–Mon.)

I learn something about piano practice today and spend most of my day with piano. I’m slouching in electronic music—
only four hours.

Day 168: A Lulu of a day

Day 168 — A Lulu of a day
17-January-1972 (Montag–Mon.)

It’s a
Lulu of a day. I had two good lessons. It’s a day at the dentist. It’s Lulu at the opera. And, I learn a life-lesson from a young blind boy.