36 Years Ago

36 Years Ago, Vienna 1971—A Student Journal

Day 067: *?!%?!!-@?

Day 67 — *?!%?!!-@?
08-October-1971 (Fri.)

I’m getting rubbery lips from trying to practice too much. Here it is again, I’m whining away about my horn playing. So redundant, so predictable. Well, I must have been frustrated.

I continue my long tradition (since yesterday) of swearing. See?

Day 066: One-step-in-front-of-the-other

Day 66 — One-step-in-front-of-the-other
07-October-1971 (Thur.)

Sergei Prokofiev Wikimedia Commons
Life goes on with my second horn lesson and the notification that I need to do better. I will. Once again, music fills the evening with a performance of Prokofiev’s War and Peace performed by the amazing Bolshoi Theater Company. Prokofiev is on the right here. Hi Sergei. (I like that name.) Read More...